Watson Knowledge Catalog Installation

kapil rajyaguru
6 min readMar 20, 2022
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Watson Knowledge Catalog (WKC) is one of the core services in Cloud Pak for Data and an essential part of the data fabric. IBM Watson® Knowledge Catalog is a data catalog tool that powers intelligent, the self-service discovery of data, models, and more. Watson Knowledge Catalog provides a metadata-based knowledge core, data self-service, and unified governance. The cloud-based enterprise metadata repository activates information for AI, machine learning (ML), and deep learning. Access, curate, categorize and share data, knowledge assets, and their relationships, wherever they reside.

Watson Knowledge Catalog provides a secure enterprise catalog management platform supported by a data governance framework. A catalog provides high-quality data assets that are easy to find. In addition, the data governance framework ensures that data access is compliant with your business rules and standards by preventing access to sensitive information by unauthorized users. Find more information about the WKC here.

This article covers the step-by-step instructions to install WKC on top of IBM Cloud Pak for Data running on the Red Hat OpenShift cluster in Azure.


  • Red Hat OpenShift cluster has access to a high-speed internet connection and can pull images directly from IBM Entitled Registry. If not set up yet, please follow the instructions provided here.
  • IBM Cloud Pak for data Control Plane, Foundational Services are installed and running. If not, please follow the instructions provided here.
  • IBM Cloud Pak for data operator is installed in the “ibm-common-services” namespace, and foundational services are installed in the “cpd-instance” namespace.
  • WKC operator will be installed in the “ibm-common-services” namespace, and the WKC service will be installed in the “cpd-instance” namespace.
  • Installing for demo purposes and so, the latest version of the software will automatically install on the Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
  • User has knowledge and experience managing Red Hat OpenShift cluster


  • Red Hat OpenShift cluster version 4.6 or later with min 64 vCPU and 256 GB RAM
  • Bastion host with two vCPU and 4GB RAM with Linux OS
  • Internet access for Bastion host and Red Hat OpenShift cluster
  • OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) attached to Red Hat OpenShift cluster. This link will help you determine supported storage. In this demo, I have used OCS Storage.
  • A User with OpenShift Cluster and Project Administrator access

Step-by-step Instructions

Step 1: Download files from the GitHub repo using the following command.

git clone https://github.com/kapilrajyaguru/Watson-Knowledge-Catalog-Installation.git

After downloading files, switch to the Watson-Knowledge-Catalog-Installation directory.

cd Watson-Knowledge-Catalog-Installation/

Step 2: Create the Watson Knowledge Catalog operator subscription.

  • The following command assumes that you plan to install the WKC operator in an “ibm-common-services” namespace.
oc apply -f wkc-operator.yaml
  • Run the following command to confirm that the subscription was triggered:
oc get sub -n ibm-common-services ibm-cpd-wkc-operator-catalog-subscription -o jsonpath='{.status.installedCSV} {"\n"}'

Verify that the command returns ibm-cpd-wkc.v1.0.6.

  • Run the following command to confirm that the cluster service version (CSV) is ready:
oc get csv -n ibm-common-services ibm-cpd-wkc.v1.0.6 -o jsonpath='{ .status.phase } : { .status.message} {"\n"}'

Verify that the command returns Succeeded: install strategy completed with no errors.

  • Run the following command to confirm that the operator is ready:
oc get deployments -n ibm-common-services -l olm.owner="ibm-cpd-wkc.v1.0.6" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.availableReplicas} {'\n'}"

Verify that the command returns an integer greater than or equal to 1. If the command returns 0, wait for the deployment to become available.

Step 3: Create an SCC named wkc-iis-scc.

The command assumes that you plan to install Watson Knowledge Catalog in the cpd-instance project. Run the following command to create an SCC named wkc-iis-scc

oc apply -f wkc-iis-scc.yaml
  • Run the following command to verify that the SCC was created:
oc get scc wkc-iis-scc
  • Create the SCC cluster role for wkc-iis-scc:
oc create clusterrole system:openshift:scc:wkc-iis-scc --verb=use --resource=scc --resource-name=wkc-iis-scc
  • Assign the wkc-iis-sa service account to the SCC cluster role. The command assumes that you plan to install Watson Knowledge Catalog in the cpd-instance project. If you plan to install Watson Knowledge Catalog in a different project, replace cpd-instance in the serviceaccount parameter with the appropriate project for your environment.
oc create rolebinding wkc-iis-scc-rb --namespace cpd-instance --clusterrole=system:openshift:scc:wkc-iis-scc --serviceaccount=cpd-instance:wkc-iis-sa
  • Confirm that the wkc-iis-sa service account can use the wkc-iis-scc SCC:
oc adm policy who-can use scc wkc-iis-scc --namespace cpd-instance | grep "wkc-iis-sa"

Step 4: CRI-O Container Settings

  • Copy crio.conf to /tmp directory
cp crio.conf /tmp/
  • Log in to Red Hat open shift in the command line. Use cloned machineconfig object YAML file, as follows, and apply it.

Note: If you are using Cloud Pak for Data on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, the ignition version is 3.1.0. If you are using Cloud Pak for Data on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.8, change the ignition version to 3.2.0 in the machineconfig.yaml

oc apply -f machineconfig.yaml
  • The above action will reboot your cluster nodes one by one. Monitor all of the nodes to ensure that the changes are applied by using the following command:
watch oc get nodes
  • You can also use the following command to confirm that the MachineConfig sync is complete:
watch oc get mcp

Step 5: Kernel Parameter Settings

The following step will enable unsafe sysctls by configuring kubelet to allow Db2U to make unsafe sysctls calls for db2 to manage required memory settings.

  • Update all of the nodes to use a custom KubletConfig:
oc apply -f kubeletconfig.yaml
  • Update the label on the machineconfigpool:
oc label machineconfigpool worker db2u-kubelet=sysctl
  • Wait for the cluster to restart and then run the following command to verify that the machineconfigpool is updated:
oc get machineconfigpool

Next, wait until all of the worker nodes are updated and ready.

Step 6: Create the Db2 catalog source if you plan to install one of the following services:

  • Data Virtualization
  • Db2®
  • Db2 Big SQL
  • Db2 Warehouse
  • OpenPages® (required only if you want OpenPages to provision a Db2 database automatically)
  • Check whether the IBM Db2U Catalog already exists on your cluster:
oc get catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace

Review the output to determine whether there is an entry called ibm-db2uoperator-catalog.

  • If the IBM Db2U Catalog does not exist, create it:
oc apply -f ibm-db2u-catalog.yaml

Verify that the IBM Db2U Catalog was successfully created:

oc get catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace

Review the output to ensure that there is an entry called ibm-db2uoperator-catalog.

  • Verify that ibm-db2uoperator-catalog is READY:
oc get catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace ibm-db2uoperator-catalog -o jsonpath='{.status.connectionState.lastObservedState} {"\n"}'

Step 7: Create a WKC resource to install Watson Knowledge Catalog.

oc apply -f wkc.yaml
  • Get the status of the Watson Knowledge Catalog. It might take two to three hours to install Watson Knowledge Catalog. You can check the status of the Watson Knowledge Catalog by running the following command:
oc get WKC wkc-cr -o jsonpath='{.status.wkcStatus} {"\n"}'

While Watson Knowledge Catalog is installing, the status shows In-Progress. You can check the status of the modules by running the following commands. The modules are installed in the order shown, and you must wait for each module to show Completed before the next module is installed.

  • To get the status of the common core services module, run the following command:
oc get CCS ccs-cr -o jsonpath='{.status.ccsStatus} {"\n"}'
  • To get the status of the Data Refinery module, run the following command:
oc get DataRefinery datarefinery-sample -o jsonpath='{.status.datarefineryStatus} {"\n"}'
  • To get the status of the Db2 as a service module, run the following command:
oc get Db2aaserviceService db2aaservice-cr -o jsonpath='{.status.db2aaserviceStatus} {"\n"}'
  • To get the status of the InfoSphere® Information Server module, run the following command.
oc get IIS iis-cr -o jsonpath='{.status.iisStatus} {"\n"}'
  • To get the status of the Unified Governance module, run the following command.
oc get UG ug-cr -o jsonpath='{.status.ugStatus} {"\n"}'

I hope this quick step-by-step guide will help you quickly deploy Watson Knowledge Catalog on IBM cloud pak for data running on the Red Hat OpenShift cluster running on Azure.

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kapil rajyaguru

Enabling Organizations with IT Transformation & Cloud Migrations | Principal CSM Architect at IBM, Ex-Microsoft, Ex-AWS. My opinions are my own.